An impressive looking beard gets plenty of attention, but all beards need frequent maintenance. The beard hair itself tends to be much different from the hair on a man's head, with a coarse and thick style. On top of the different hairstyle, it also makes it much harder to care for the skin directly under the beard, especially once the hair has started growing outward by more than an inch. Beard oil takes care of the problem by softening the beard hair overall and providing soothing hydration for the skin living underneath the man mane.
What is Beard Oil?
Beard oil combines several oils, such as jojoba and grapeseed, into a soothing lotion that helps the man's beard look as good as possible. For many types of beard oils, they also have a range of scents that run along the most masculine or neutral scent side of things.
The Benefits of Beard Oil
Short beards might not see as many benefits from beard oil, but once the man starts growing out an incredibly long beard, it's true uses shine through. The skin underneath the beard can get itchy and start to crack or flake in winter, and facial cleansers can't penetrate through the beard hair. Beard oil works its way down through the beard and gets rubbed into the skin for a soothing formula. It also helps volumize the beard, calm it down a bit, and produce styling opportunities for the long beards.
Beard Oils to Try Out
Like other types of hair and facial products, sometimes there's a lot of trial and error involved in getting the right product for someone's particular hair. Body chemistry and testosterone levels are rather different from man to man, so what works great for one guy might be horrible for another.